Methods of payment for parts purchased in PLC Connex

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Tel. (+48) 56 682 81 91,

Methods of payment for parts purchased in PLC Connex - We offer various types of payments available..

Payments can be made in any way:

We accept payments in PLN, EUR and USC. Payments in other currencies may be subject to additional fees.

By bank transfers


Bank Zachodni WBK to the account number:
PLN: 33 1090 1506 0000 0001 2358 3695
IBAN: PL33 1090 1506 0000 0001 2358 3695
EURO: 82 1090 1506 0000 0001 2358 3977
IBAN: PL82 1090 1506 0000 0001 2358 3977

By a debit or credit card

We accept most of major credit and debit cards, including, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Please note that additional fees may be charged for use of credit cards, depending on their types and transaction amounts.


PayPal to email address:


VAT (NIP): PL 8791932312

Customers from Poland should pay 23% VAT.
Customers from other EU member states should provide their VAT(NIP) numbers. If they do not have VAT numbers or cannot provide the same, we will be obliged to calculate 23% VAT on all purchases.
Customers from counties other than EU members states are exempt from VAT.

Duties and other fees

Each customer will be obliged to pay fees for import of goods to a given country.
We will not be, in any way, responsible for payment of local fees or duties, which may be calculated for delivery.
A customer’s responsibility is to ensure that all fees are paid.

PLC Connex is not an authorized distributor, seller or representative of products presented on this website. All names of products, trademarks, brands and logos used on this website constitute property of their owners. Presentation, description or sale of products containing the names, trademarks, brands and logos are given for reference only and are not meant to indicate any relations or permits of any holder of the rights.